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International Editorial Board

Editor: Janos Simon
Assistants: Lilla Ignácz, Attila Kovács

Members of Central European Editorial Board:

Czesnik, Mikolaj: Institute for Political Studies of PAN, Pl 
Fabo, Edit: World Complexity Science Academy, Hu
Guogis, Arvydas: University Mykolas Romeros, Lit
Selis, Michael: University of Chieti-Pescara and WCSA, It
Kovacs, Istvan: Center for Fundamental Rights, Hu
Meseznik, Grigorij: Institute for Public Affairs, Sl
Pop, Lia Maria: University of Oradea, Ro
Szabo, Mate: University ELTE, Hu
Varga, Csaba: University of Peter Pazmany, Hu

International Advisory Committee:

Barnes, Samuel H.: Georgetown University, Washington
Carteny, Andrea: Sapienza University of Rome
Flores Juberias, Carlos: University of Valencia
Gyarfasova, Olga: Comenius University, Bratislava
Heath, Anthony: University of Oxford
Montero, Jose Ramon: Universidad Autonomia of Mardrid
Morlino, Leonardo: LUISS Guido Carli Univeritaty of Roma
Rukavisnikov, Vladimir: Institute of Political Studies of RAS
Schmitter, Philipe C.: Stanford University
Schopflin Gyorgy: London University
Whitehead, Laurence: Oxford University, President of IAC
Zajc, Drago: University of Ljubjana

CEPoliti Review Ltd.

CEPoIiti is published four times a year by CEPoIiti Review Ltd. and Azimon Ltd.

Further description, new orders and advertising details may obtained by email of editor-in-chief.

ISSN: 1586-4197
ISBN: 963 9218 92 8

Typeset and printed by Pannonia-Print Ltd. Budapest, Hungary Publishers please send books fort review to the editor-in-chief.

Note: Articles published in CEPoIiti express contributor’s opinion.

Central European Political Science Review (ISSN 1586-4197) indexed by the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), and IBSS is indexed by ProQuest information and Learning, in Cambridge, United Kingdom.Address: IBSS ProQuest -The Quorum, Barnwell Road, Cambridge, CB5 8SW, UK,